
enum XboxLiveError : Enum<XboxLiveError>

Known error codes that can be returned from Xbox Live services.

If one is received, it's recommended to display it to users in a friendly format to help them troubleshoot the issue. It may often be the result of user error, or possibly a server issue that is out of the user's control.


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Indicates that an invalid service token was used to authenticate.

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Indicates that an expired service token was used to authenticate.

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Indicates that an invalid user token was used to authenticate.

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Indicates that an expired user token was used to authenticate.

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Indicates that an expired Microsoft access token was used to authenticate.

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Indicates that an invalid Microsoft access token was used to authenticate.

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Indicates that the client was denied access to Xbox Live's production environment. This should not happen.

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Indicates that Xbox Live's authentication service is experiencing an outage.

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Indicates that Xbox Live is banned in the user's country or region.

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Indicates that the user needs to verify their age at to authenticate.

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Indicates that the account is a child, and must be added to a Microsoft family to authenticate.

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Indicates that the user's Microsoft account has no corresponding Xbox Live account.

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Indicates that Xbox Live sent an unrecognized error code.


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val name: String
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val ordinal: Int